Last year the Grinch tried to take your presents and ruin your Christmas…Not this year! Now the tables are turned! The Grinch took and locked away a whole bunch of great prizes in a safe deep in his cave. Electronics, Gift Cards, Concert Tickets, and more! And all you have to do is bust in and get it.
Listen each weekday morning, starting at 7:10am, for Chino to give out the Grinch’s safe combination…Don’t ask how he got it. Then when you hear the Grinch leave his cave sometime between 2pm – 7pm, be caller 10 at 541-345-1047 and if you have the right combination…you win what is inside!
Now the Grinch is no fool, listen for a new combination each morning! And if you want a sneak peek of what is in the safe…Listen to Megan Rage at noon to find out what you can win later that day! Its GET THE GRINCH! With EUGENE’S NUMBER 1 HIT MUSIC STATION 104.7 KDUK!